Mrs. Chambers’ class at the Washington Pre-K Center had a big decision to make today … Oreos or Chips Ahoy? Mrs. Gilpin, the class assistant, represented and campaigned for the Oreo while Mrs. Chambers rallied for Chips Ahoy. Each teacher made a campaign video and gave a speech. Students were able to taste each cookie just before making their final decision. An election was held and it was a close race … the Oreo won by two votes. “I am really pleased our students were able to learn about the election process in a really fun way!” said Tina Fisher, Pre-K Principal.
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Evans Children’s Academy of Performing Arts Presents: The Addams Family
Fri, Feb 21 at 7:30pm
Poncan Theatre
Evans Children’s Academy of Performing Arts Presents: The Addams Family
Sat, Feb 22 at 7:30pm
Poncan Theatre
Evans Children’s Academy of Performing Arts Presents: The Addams Family
Sun, Feb 23 at 2:30pm
Poncan Theatre