Turnpike Rates Increase with New Year

 OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. (KFOR) — It’s the first of the month, which means prices on toll roads are officially up! The rates are increasing whether you use a Pike Pass or Plate Pay. “The overall toll increase is 15%,” said Joe Echelle, the OTA Executive Director. The Oklahoma Turnpike Authority said since 1953 the authority has raised...

Cashless Travel Now Possibly on 412/Cimarron Turnpike

The Oklahoma Turnpike Authority reports that they’ve completed the conversion 0f the US-412/Cimarron Turnpike to PlatePay, cashless tolling system.  This means drivers can now travel from the Tulsa metro to Stillwater or I-35 completely cashless.The Cimarron Turnpike started the conversion to PlatePay on Aug. 30. Turnpike officials say you could encounter some intermittent lane closures...

Kansas man injured in accident on Cimarron Turnpike

A personal injury collision occurred at 4:22 p.m. Thursday along the the Cimarron Turnpike westbound at mile marker 3.8, approximately 3.5 miles south and 4 miles west of Red Rock in Noble County.Derrick Marcel Jamon Scaife, 39, of Hutchinson, Ks. was driving a 2015 Freightliner westbound on the Cimarron Turnpike and attempted to change...

Overturned Semi Truck Friday Morning On Cimmarron Turnpike South Of Pawnee

The Oklahoma Highway Patrol responded to an overturned semi truck accident at 3:18 a.m. Friday morning along at mile marker 38 along the Cimmarron Turnpike, one mile east of the State Highway 18 exit south of Pawnee.Both eastbound lanes of the Cimmarron Turnpike were then closed. As of 6 a.m. Friday, the eastbound inside...