Po-Hi Student Schedule Pick-Up and Parking

Release from Ponca City Schools Parking spaces are numbered, and stickers will be given on a first-come, first-served basis for Juniors and Seniors to choose their parking spot for the year. 12th -10th Grades will be picking up their schedules and Student ID’s from the high school. All students need to be registered...

Washington Playground and Parking Lot Project

The Ponca City Board of Education recently approved a contract with Evans and Associates in the amount of $128,855.00 for the playground and staff parking lot projects at the Washington Pre-K Center, located at 1615 North Seventh Street. Evans and Associates was the low bidder on the...

PCPS Maintenance Employees Working Hard To Sand School Parking Lots & Side Walks

The Ponca City Public School Maintenance crew has been very busy this week sanding school parking lots and sidewalks all across the district. Keeping students, parents, and staff members safe is top priority for the Maintenance Department. Superintendent Shelley Arrott said, “Our Maintenance Department Rocks! They wear many hats and have...