Po-Hi Symphony & Chorale Holiday Concert Tonight at 7

The Ponca City High School Symphony Orchestra will take the stage TONIGHT at 7 p.m. in the Ponca City Schools Concert Hall for a combined performance with the Ponca City High School Chorale. Admission for this concert is free and the public is invited to attend. The Ponca City High School Symphony Orchestra is...

Po-Hi Chorale Performs at State Contest

The Po-Hi Chorale performed at the OSSAA State Choral Contest at Tulsa Union High School on Thursday, April 7. The Chorale earned an Excellent rating for the performance of “Esto Les Digo” (This I Tell You) by Kinley Lange and “Hine ma Tov” (How Good and Pleasant) by Allan Kaplan. Tim Williams, principal at Woodlands...

Po-Hi Chorale Auditions happening now

Auditions for the Ponca City High School Chorale are happening now until Friday, May 14th! Any Po-Hi student enrolled for the 2021-2022 school year may audition. (Current members of Chorale do not need to re-audition.) For specific audition information, please enter the url or follow the link below. Send questions to Mr. Chad Keilman @ 

Po-Hi Chorale Roster 2020-2021 Announced

Ponca City Senior High School would like to announce the Po-Hi Chorale Roster for 2020-2021. Chorale Director Mr. Chad Keilman said, “Thank you to all who submitted audition materials for the Po-Hi Chorale! If you have questions regarding the auditions, please email [email protected]. See you in August.” Chorale Women – Sections TBD