Request for SDE Investigative Committee By Rep. John Talley

Ponca City Now - August 20, 2024 6:05 am

Oklahoma Representative John Talley-District 33.

Last week, I joined dozens of House Republicans in signing a letter requesting the formation of an investigative committee to look into the potential misuse of state resources within the State Department of Education (SDE).

The letter only asks to create an investigative committee. It is not an agreement to impeach the State Superintendent, but a request to look into serious concerns.

There have been numerous times I have personally reached out about issues in District 33 that my constituents have brought to me, but recently there has been no acknowledgment of my questions, let alone any answers.

Just two weeks ago, three lawmakers were denied access to a State Board of Education executive session, a right granted in state statute. Alleged non-compliance with the Open Records Act and Open Meeting Act is also troubling.

Perhaps most importantly, there are serious concerns regarding the distribution of funds to school districts. The Legislature appropriated funds for specific purposes, including purchasing emergency asthma inhalers and upgrading school safety capabilities, but school districts have not received the funds nor timely information on when they will.

The Legislature must oversee the distribution and use of taxpayer dollars, money Oklahomans entrust us to use wisely. Clear and transparent distribution of these funds is essential in all state agencies. As a reminder, K-12 public education receives the largest funding percentage of all state agencies.

The continuous turmoil and lack of professionalism from SDE  has saddened me. I believe very strongly in the importance of working with those elected. However, we cannot simply look the other way if there are legitimate concerns regarding the use of taxpayer funds.

Last Thursday, Rep. Kevin Wallace, who chairs the House Appropriations & Budget Committee, announced that the nonpartisan watchdog agency Legislative Office of Fiscal Transparency (LOFT) will conduct a review of SDE’s funds. There has been no timeline given for when this review will take place, but I hope it is prioritized.

This is not a partisan issue. It is the responsibility of the Legislature to hold accountable state officials and agencies we trust with taxpayers funds. The House Speaker has told members he will not consider forming the committee until 51 Republicans have signed onto the letter. As of Friday morning, there are reportedly 25 signatures to the letter. The 20 House Democrats have also expressed support for an investigative committee.

If you would like a copy of the letter, please email me at [email protected] and I will gladly share it.

Lastly, I want to remind everybody to view the Oklahoma Voter Portal at to check if you have a runoff election on August 27.

Some voters in Payne and Logan counties have a runoff election for House District 32. Logan County also has a runoff for County Commissioner District 2. Early voting will be at the Payne County Election Board on August 22-23 from 8 a.m.-6 p.m. and August 24 from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Early voting at the Logan County Election Board will be the same dates and times.

Of course, you can always vote at your polling place on Election Day from 7 a.m.-7 p.m.

Additionally, with the school year now underway, please be extra careful on the streets and watch out for kids!

As always, please call my office at (405) 557-7304 or email me at [email protected] if there’s anything I can help with. Thank you for the honor of representing our district!

Rep. John Talley, a Republican, serves District 33 in the Oklahoma House of Representatives, which covers Logan and Payne Counties.



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