Oklahoma COVID-19 Update for 25 November 2020

Mike Seals - November 25, 2020 11:08 am


Out of respect for our OSDH personnel who have worked tirelessly since March in response to the COVID pandemic, we will not be reporting data on Thanksgiving day. This will allow these employees to enjoy the Holiday with their family. There will be no updating of dashboard data, nor an Executive Order report on Thursday November 26th. Dashboard data will be updated at approximately 11:00 AM on Friday November 27th. The Alert System map will be published on November 27th, as well. The Executive Order report will resume weekday reporting on Monday November 30th. It is important to note that Friday’s updated data will include cases that would have otherwise been reported on Thursday. Saturday’s dashboard update will include case information that reflect a combined reporting from Friday and Saturday. Subsequent reporting will return to normal cadence.

As of this advisory, there are 184,342 cases of COVID-19 in Oklahoma.

Kay County has reported a total of 1,696 confirmed cases, with 25 deaths.

Osage County has had a total of 1,902 confirmed cases, resulting in 18 deaths.

There have been 1,680 total deaths in the state attributed to the virus.

  • There are 16 additional deaths identified to report.
    • Two in Caddo County, one female in the 65 or older age group, one male in the 65 or older age group.
    • One in Coal County, one female in the 65 or older age group.
    • One in Comanche County, one male in the 65 or older age group.
    • One in Custer County, one male in the 65 or older age group.
    • Two in Kay County, two females in the 65 or older age group.
    • One in McClain County, one female in the 65 or older age group.
    • Three in Oklahoma County, one female in the 65 or older age group, two males in the 65 or older age group.
    • One in Payne County, one male in the 65 or older age group.
    • One in Stephens County, one male in the 65 or older age group.
    • One in Texas County, one male in the 65 or older age group.
    • Two in Tulsa County, two females in the 65 or older age group.
  • For more information, visit coronavirus.health.ok.gov.

COVID-19 Oklahoma Test Results

Cases 184,342
*Total Cumulative Negative Specimens to Date 1,848,563
*Total Cumulative Number of Specimens to Date 2,043,492
**Currently Hospitalized 1,604
Total Cumulative Hospitalizations 11,708
Total Cumulative Deaths 1,680

*The total includes laboratory information provided to OSDH at the time of the report. Total counts may not reflect unique individuals. 

**This number is a combination of hospitalized positive cases and hospitalized persons under investigation, as reported by hospitals at the time of the report. The data reflect a change in calculation and should not be compared to prior data. 

***The purpose of publishing aggregated statistical COVID-19 data through the OSDH Dashboard, the Executive Order Report, and the Weekly Epidemiology and Surveillance Report is to support the needs of the general public in receiving important and necessary information regarding the state of the health and safety of the citizens of Oklahoma. These resources may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be used in any way that would determine the identity of any reported cases.

Data Source: Acute Disease Service, Oklahoma State Department of Health.
*As of 2020-11-25 at 7:00 a.m.

Detailed case statistics are published on the website. Click here for more information.


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