Newkirk City Manager’s Report

Ponca City Now - September 25, 2024 6:04 am

⮚ Greetings! Firstly, I wanted to thank each volunteer, vendor, and city and county personnel who worked to provide another successful Charlie Adams’ Day. Also, my sincere thanks to Newkirk Main Street for organizing and planning this wonderful event. Finally, thank you to those who attended. It is always good to come together as a community.
On another topic, there are new requirements every city and town must now follow from the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). They, in turn, are following the directives given them by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The City is now required to identify the composition of all water service lines. By service line, I mean the line that is on the customer side of the meter, between the meter and your home or business. We are now required to identify what that line is made of and submit this information to DEQ, the main purpose being to identify any lines made of lead. In many cases, it is easy to see what your service line is made of. In many other cases, it is not. If we find your service line to be made of lead, we will be required to send you a letter letting you know our findings, and also provide information on the health risks associated with lead. If we cannot identify the composition of your service line, we are required to categorize your line as “unknown” and we will still be required to send you a letter about the possibility of your line being made from lead and again, the associated health risks. Our initial survey is due to DEQ by October 16th. Notifications will be due to affected customers by November 16th. I want to stress that these letters have nothing to do with the quality of water, but simply on the composition of your service line. The City is not responsible for maintaining or replacing your service line.
⮚ Road Repairs. We are still waiting on the delivery of some of the road equipment approved over the last couple of Commission meetings. The new attachments include a street breaker and roller specifically designed to repair water line breaks in the street faster and repair potholes more efficiently. We are also waiting on the delivery of a grater that will allow City crews to better repair alleys. Otherwise, we continue to work with Evans & Associates on proposed road projects along 9th, at some intersections, and around the school.
⮚ Public Works. The outstanding leaks have been repaired now that the parts finally arrived. City crews have also been working to repair a main behind Sonic and are preparing to repair two leaks on Maple. These repairs can be completed now that the street breaker mentioned above has arrived. Otherwise, the department has been working with DEQ on the lead service line inventory mentioned above. The electric department is making preparations to repair the transformer at Jiffy Trip and complete pole work on Dry Road. They also continue working on clearing limbs out of power lines.
⮚ Emergency Services. We are still waiting for the repair on the ambulance to be completed. Our thanks to Blackwell and Ponca City for helping us out during particularly busy times. Otherwise, the department is getting ready for some communications tower work at the beginning of October and annual hydrant testing later this fall. The Police Department continues to have an officer at CLEET. Otherwise, the department continues working with area agencies on additional training.
⮚ Staffing. The City is currently fully-staffed.
⮚ Donations, Grants & Projects. The final parts for the No. 1 Lift Station have arrived and are waiting on installation. The final walkthrough will be scheduled once this item is complete. The permit for the Lagoons has been submitted and is waiting on DEQ for approval. Pending approval, the project can be put out for bid. Otherwise, the City is preparing a grant application for a waterline through the REAP Program. The application is due at the end of October. Preparations to submit for CDBG funding for the clearwell are also underway. That application will be due after the first of the year. Plans are also being made to attend grant training for additional sources of funds available to the City. The splashpad is still pending and the sidewalks project is still planned for 2026.
⮚ Financials. The third month of the fiscal year will come to a close at the end of September. Financials for September will be available at the first meeting in October. In August, revenue was up 14% for the month and up 3.3% for the year. Expenses were also up 7% for the month and up 8% for the year. Department budgets are currently running 3.3% under budget.
⮚ Events. The City continues work with Main Street for events around Halloween. Looking further ahead, City offices will be closed on Monday, November 11th for Veterans’ Day.
Ryan Smykil
Newkirk City Manager

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