New performance Report Finds 32 Concerns in State Department of Education Programs

KOKH - August 21, 2024 6:00 am

A Consolidated Performance Review Report found 32 concerns that require urgent attention in the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) programs.

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE) released a report made up of five sections with performance indicators.

Each program is given an indicator:

  1. Met Requirements with Commendation- indicates high-quality implementation and exceeds expectations
  2. Met Requirements – no instances of noncompliance were identified
  3. Met Requirements with Recommendations – there are quality implementation concerns and some improvements could be made
  4. Action Required – there are significant compliance or quality concerns that require urgent attention by State educational agencies (SEA)

OSDE received two Commendations, 11 Met Requirements, seven Recommendations, and 32 Action Required.

Section I of the report is a snapshot of information on grant activities for Oklahoma.

This includes a breakdown of federal funding for Title I, Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER Fund), and Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools (EANS).

Section II is a summary of the state’s performance with each program rated.

Section III goes more in-depth into areas where Oklahoma has exceeded requirements and is commended.

The report found the OSDE exceeded expectations in two areas, language instruction for English and immigrant students, and Indian education formula grants to local education agencies.

Section IV breaks down where the department has significant compliance and quality concerns and where corrective action is needed.

The report found 32 areas that require attention.

Within 60 days of receiving the report, the OSDE must provide a plan and timeline to conduct a review of its written policies and procedures, identify any gaps, and release updates to ensure compliance with the requirements.

Section V identifies where State educational agencies (SEA) have met requirements, but improvements could be made.

Seven recommendations were identified for:

  • Local Applications and Plans
  • Data Quality
  • Educational Stability for Students in Foster Care
  • Preparing, Training, and Recruiting High-Quality Teachers, Principals, or Other School Leaders: LEA-Level Funds
  • Subgrantee Use of RLIS Funds
  • Office of Indian Education – Formula Grants to Local Educational Agencies
  • Emergency Assistance to Non-public Schools – Governor’s Office

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