This map shows the approximate boundaries of each of the 5 project phases for Ponca City Broadband. This project will not initially provide services outside of the City limits.
The major, North/South dividing line, is N 14th St. Phase 2 is separated from Phase 3 by Highland Ave and Phase 4 is separated from Phase 5 by Hartford Ave.
Construction in Phase 1 is complete, with the exception of the Acre Homes Subdivision, which should be completed by early February, 2021. Construction is currently underway in Phase 2 and 3, with an estimated completion date of July, 2021.
Construction in Phase 4 and 5 will most likely happen as one, large project, with an estimated start date of 1st quarter, 2022 and an estimated completion date around the end of calendar year 2022.
As individual service areas are complete (usually 10 to 15 square blocks in size), customers can begin receiving service. Ponca City Broadband will be mailing postcards to individual addresses approximately 10 days prior to being able service particular areas. In the meantime, interested people can contact the Utility Billing office with questions, or visit www.poncacitybroadband.com for news and updates.