Fri, Apr 11 from 5:30pm
to 9:00pm
MLZ Ranch
4610 North Pecan Road, Ponca City, OK
4610 North Pecan Road, Ponca City, OK
Meal to Heal
5:30pm (CDT)
MLZ Ranch 4610 North Pecan Road
Meal to Heal is the Community Health Foundation’s biennial fundraising event. All proceeds help the Foundation fulfill its mission of improving health in Kay County through grants to local organizations, community health education, and scholarships to area students pursuing a health degree.
At Meal to Heal, three local teams will grill steaks for your votes to find the event favorite! The meal will include steak, salad, baked potatoes, rolls, and desserts from local bakers Neighborhood Nibbles and The Lazy Glaze. Local band, Fading Fast, will provide entertainment. Tickets are $50 and on sale now. Contact the Community Health Foundation for more information. Click here for tickets!